This is where all the pop tabs go that Del Avants collects. 2 more full boxes ready to send.

Well its a wrap.. A beautiful crisp winter morning full of Patriotism and Christmas spirit our Wreaths Across America at the Cypress Hill Cemetery was a success! Thank you to all who participated in giving your generous donations and those who laid a wreath on a fallen hero’s plot. Its because of their ultimate sacrifice that we are free. May they all rest in peace, we are forever grateful
Today we took turkeys and hams down to Fort Miley. We also delivered some Christmas stockings, small bags, back scratchers, quilts and batteries. Lots of little gifts for our hospital patients. Always good to give and have partners with giving hearts. Merry Christmas to all at Fort Miley medical center.
Yesterday was a time of giving. We gave 4 new bicycles to our Petaluma Police Department and a large amount of toys for Christmas Cheer for our little ones here in our home town. We received a large amount of toys and food from Schafer’s ATA and passed it on to the Coast Guard base. Thank you to all that made this possible.
All loaded up….Wreaths Across America. 391 wreaths this year. Last year it was 270. His goal is 1,000 wreaths eventually. These wreaths will be placed on the veterans graves here in Petaluma.