We have two 3-wheel scooters and one 4- wheeler. We have hand walkers and special canes some furniture. Give us a call if you know someone in need!
Author: delusnvet
Thank you
We want to take this time and thank a lady that has stepped up and brought us another 50 Covid masks for our military veterans. These will go to the veterans clinic here in Santa Rosa and to Redwood City to their clinic. If we need more we have two wonderful ladies that make them fast for us.
Again thank you Kathy L. And Lois S. You both do such wonderful jobs on these masks.
We would like for all of us to remember what Memorial Day is we enjoy our freedom and our families because others gave the ultimate price for all of us. Remember in you prayers and thoughts the families that had to sacrifice their loved ones for us.
Please enjoy you holiday
Mask for Fort Miley
Today was a very busy day! Loaded up 250 face mask that Lois Schumacher made for us to deliver to Fort Miley Veterans Hospital. They were so appreciated and thankful we could get there so soon. Had the opportunity to help pass some of them out.
Thank you Lois for giving and helping our Veterans

Masks on the way!
We just delivered 250 masks to Yountville Veterans home and now have started to get ready to deliver 250 more to Fort Miley veterans hospital . We supplied the local medical hospital and medical offices with masks.
We just delivered 1500 bags to the Salvation Army for their food give away and their food pantry.
We are in the process of trying to raise some funds for a local veterans family so they can get food and clothes for their families. It is very hard on these guys during this lock down times.
Keep the help coming folks it is appreciated.
Masks in the mail
Tomorrow we are going to the post office to send 240 face masks to the Yountville Veterans home
For our fellow veterans that are in lock down and no one can come in the property unless they are an employee, we have been in contact with Susan Kaye who is the operation manager for the volunteers.
We never knew how much stress these old fellows were under and after talking to Susan they are glad we could extend a little help. If anyone would like to help there are 800 plus in staff and veterans over there. Just let us know. If you have friends that make masks and can send us some we will see that they get mailed to them. We are still working on getting 300 to Fort Miley Veterans Hospital in San Francisco.
You guys out there stay safe!
In need
We received a request from Fort Miley and one from Yountville Veterans home asking me if we could supply them with 500 face masks for the older veterans coming into the hospital for their Dr. visits. Also a request from Yountville veterans home with their needs.
We are asking for donations of funds or materials including elastic banding. Perhaps someone out there has connections to a source that can help us.
Thank you for your help in these times of need.
We have quite a few request for these mask that are being made and we would like to give each and everyone of you a mask. But this lady that has been making these is working day and night to get them done. We requested only 50 and everyone of them went to the medical personnel and we only have my N95. So We have no more to hand out. If Lois makes more and can share more we will get some. These are expensive to buy material and we will help her with the cost if she ask me. We give these away for free.
There are a lot of people making but they are charging between 5 to 10 dollars we don’t charge for them. If you want them special we can have them made for about 6.00 each
Masks by Lois
Our dear Lois has been very busy making masks for the people that want to cover their faces to protect them from the corona virus.
Thank you for sharing you talent and good heart

Coronavirus Help
Coronavirus: What Veterans Need to Know
COVID-19: Answers to Your Questions
Veteran and partner reviewing coronvirus FAQs on va.gov
Our call centers and some VA health facilities are experiencing very high numbers of calls. To help us address the most urgent needs first, we ask that you use our online tools for routine or non-urgent questions.
The CDC defines COVID-19 as a new type of coronavirus. If you have a fever, a cough, and shortness of breath, call your VA medical center before going to a clinic, urgent care, or emergency room. You can also send your doctor a secure message. Contacting us first helps us protect you, medical staff, and other patients.
Concerns about COVID-19 can be stressful for many people, and it’s understandable to feel anxious. Let VA help. We have answers to your questions.
Learn more
Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one?
Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 and (PRESS 1)
Learn more – https://www.publichealth.va.gov/n-coronavirus/
New Year
Been very busy this year so far,
In January we filled 3 big boxes with items such as snacks soups personal hygiene items , pillows and quite a few other items. We try to provide what we feel the service member will need on their brief stay in San Francisco.
We are now in the process of fulfilling a request from Fort Miley Veterans hospital of supplying Their needs for items to help the visiting Veterans there.
There are some ladies that want to help but feel they are way too extended doing other things. What we would ask of you is talk to your friends ask if they could help with passing the word along buying some needed supplies and or sending donations to our web site or our Vemo account. We also have a account at Exchange Bank and with Paypal.
We just received a large donation of Jelly Belly individual bags to send to the USO.
We have a dine and donate dinner coming up in March at Don Ponchos in Petaluma at the Kmart shopping Center.